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Math in Color

Math in Color

Math in color was created by iSmart company. The math in color consists of 36 creative math games. Math in color is used as an additional service for both math and iSmart teachers in the school’s curriculum. It is available for students from the ages of 4 to 16 years old. Not only is math in color both educationally beneficial and entertaining for kids but for adults as well.


  • Playing math games encourages strategic mathematical thinking as students find different strategies for solving problems and deepen their understanding of numbers.
  • When played repeatedly, games support students’ development of computational fluency.
  • Games present opportunities for practice, often without the need for teachers to provide the problems. Teachers can then observe or assess students and work with individuals or small groups of students.
  • Games have the potential to allow students to develop familiarity with the number system and with “benchmark numbers” (such as 10s, 100s, and 1000s) and engage in computation practice, building a deeper understanding of operations.
  • Game-Based Learning plays important role in teaching by making students to collaborate, communicate, interact and work in teams.